Membership Benefits
Associate Members – Receive SCMA emails, get advance notice to SCMA events, access member pricing, attend SCMA meetings, nominate candidates for SCMA Awards, and vote on SCMA ballots.
Corporate Members – Receive all benefits of an Associate Member, and also be nominated for “corporate awards” such as Radio Station of the Year. Note: radio station staff require a Participating Membership to be eligible for individual awards such as “On Air Personality of the Year.”
Participating Members – Receive all the benefits of Corporate Members and also perform at SCMA Events, have an artists profile on the SCMA Members page, and run for election on the SCMA Board of Directors.
Membership Eligibility
Associate Membership: open to any person, group, organization, association, agency, or corporation interested in the furtherance of the country music industry in Saskatchewan who does not otherwise qualify for a Participating or Corporate Membership. Youths (under 18) may pay a reduced fee of only $10 for their Associate Membership.
Corporate Membership: open to any corporation or registered company in the country music industry in Saskatchewan. The corporation will appoint only one representative who shall have the rights of the corporate membership. Corporate members must principally operate and have a physical address in Saskatchewan (refer to the SCMA Bylaws for specifics).
Participating Membership: open to persons or groups who are actively involved in the country music industry, and are one of: Artist/Musician, Agent or Artist Manager, Songwriter/Composer, Publisher, Record Company, Broadcast Personality, Record/Video Merchandiser, Talent Buyer/Promoter, Advertising Agency, Radio/TV Staff, Producer/Video Producer, Equipment Supplier, Industry Organization/Builder, Engineer/Technician, And Graphic Arts/Photo Arts. Participating members (or if a group, then at least 50%) must be a resident of Saskatchewan, Lloydminster (AB), or Flin Flon (MB). Proof of residency may be required (refer to the SCMA Bylaws for specifics). Participating members must be endorsed by two current SCMA participating members. Youths (under 18) may pay a reduced fee of only $10 for their Participating Membership.
Membership Application
Step 1: Apply
![]() Click the link to fill out your application online, or
Download the Membership Application Form SCMA-Registration-Form-20220224 (requires a PDF document reader), fill it out and:
Step 2: Send Payment
Use your online banking app to e-transfer payment by email to, or
![]() Go to or download the PayPal app to your smartphone. Use your PayPal account to send payment, or |
Send a cheque or money order payable to “SCMA” or to “Saskatchewan Country Music Association”.